3. Public Services

The Library provides many types of services that are available to everyone. All persons are welcome and have the right to use the library free from discrimination and from threat to individual safety. The Library is considered a “limited public forum,” which means that public libraries have some discretion to reasonably restrict the exercise of free speech rights in their buildings; the library might limit speech that disrupts others or goes against its goals. However, the library can host events like open discussions, such as talks with political candidates, where people can freely express their views. Speech is generally not restricted unless it turns into hate speech (see Section 3.3)

Initial Adoption Date: Portions adopted at least as early as February 11, 1971, prior to becoming a town department

Modified Date(s):

  • May 3, 1976: Language changed from service provided on a “strictly impartial” to a “non-discriminatory” basis.

  • July 10, 2024: Removed duplicate language; added clarification of “limited public forum”